The spiritual straightening of Animals

“For many people, animals play an important role in their lives.”
We tend to have a very close relationship with our pets and they become part of our families as well as part of our problems, illnesses and other stressful events in our lives. This often results in disturbed pets in which we can see many different ailments caused by the stressful events of the family.
“Animals are very sensitive to energy impulses and react in a very spontaneous way to a spiritual healing like „Enderezamiento divine – the spiritual straightening of the path of life“ and other spiritual healing methods, that will help them – in the same way as with humans – to reestablish their spiritual order and will initiate and activate their self-healing processes.”

We observe once and again transformations in their psyche, causing for example depression and aggressive attitudes. But we also see physical symptoms, very often similar to those of the two-legged family members. We now know that animals are very good accessible for spiritual treatments.
Veterinarians are known to use procedures outside of traditional veterinary medicine to help animals. This is how homeopathy and acupuncture become used to avoid the use of expensive drugs with their well known side effects. Above all, animals react wonderfully, directly and gratefully to spiritual healing methods, which can be used very well with really good results in animals due to the much simpler designed psyche.

We find the healing for horse and its rider as particularly impressive!
Horses suffer just like humans from curvatures of the spine. Usually the saddle sits completely wrong on the crooked spine of the horse and the rider can’t sit with both legs even in the stirrups, because of the difference in leg lengths of the riders themselves that doesn’t allow it.
This means that the pleasure of riding is being limited due to anatomic shortcomings.

After the „Enderezamiento Divino – the spiritual straightening of the Path of life“ it becomes clear to both how harmonious the fusion between rider and horse can be! The spine of the horse can now be charged symmetrically and equally, and uneven loads will be a thing of the past. The ride can finally sit relaxed on the horse’s back and he himself can sit straight in the saddle.
What a difference! What a treat for both!