Traditional healing and the practices of traditional
healers are as old as humanity itself.

We are pleased to give you an insight into the variety of possibilities of traditional healing. Traditional healers have practiced in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Greenland and across the Americas for a very long time. Since always these healers have always worked with their ancient methods and procedures, which have been transmitted orally from generation to generation. They searched for answers to almost all questions of human existence and their rituals brought them closer to the heavenly realms, where they were just waiting to help them with the solutions.

“Even nowadays there are populations and tribes where shamans work in exactly the same way as long ago.”
Thanks to the works carried out over many years by, amongst others, Michael Harner and Alberto Villoldo, it came to a renaissance of the traditional healers in the Western world. However, there are also many other shamans of older lines, who are more than willing to share their knowledge, be it Mongols, Peruvians, Ecuadorians, Indians from North America, or Nepali.
Their knowledge and work is still as relevant today as it was 20.000 years ago. As Michael Harner puts it:
„The real authorities are not to be found in everyday reality!“

In shamanism we identify three different causes for “diseases”:

“The traditional healer heals the physical and mental illnesses by working on the spiritual aspects and bringing
back harmony into the actual event.”

For inquiries about shamanic healing treatments, please see our contact form. We can provide you more specifically with the following treatments:
As part of our shamanic work, we also offer to those interested, regular drumming classes. As for dates please enquire by email eMail.
You also have the opportunity to learn with us Shamanic Journeying as part of our shamanic Councellings, in order to find answers to your life questions.
Price list: