The Spiritual Straightening combined with spine straightening is the basis of our treatments.

You can achieve in only a matter of seconds a spiritual correction of your pelvic obliquity and adjustment of your leg length, as well as shoulder and spinal column straightening. The corrections will be permanent and with no need of any physical contact or manipulation of the skeleton, but only the power of Spirit!

This treatment is always complemented by another healing treatment.

Especially in the case of chronic ailments, mental and emotional stress and in acute situations, it is important to have a follow- up healing treatment immediately after the spiritual healing. It is necessary and desirable as it also serves to activate your self-healing potential.

“These individual treatments are based on the specific needs of the individual and are complemented by the Mental Alchemistre in order to eliminate heavy metals.”

Experience tells us that after a Spiritual Straightening our soul remains open for a short period of time to receive new and useful informations and to welcome other healing and liberating divine energies. So overall, we will have a comprehensive and high-energy treatment with no need to be repeated.

We strongly recommend that you bring somebody along to the Spiritual Straightening, if possible. For the person who accompanies you, it will be very nice to watch the visible transformation of your body in just a few seconds and once the divine spirit is working.

Moreover, many of the changes in the spine as described are usually only visible from behind on the back of the patient and will not be seen by the patient himself/herself.

“All the more useful to have someone watching for you to testify the changes to your original state and see your New Order!”




Spiritual Straightening is not a treatment in the medical sense. It is to be understood more of a spiritual process as by P. Elkunoviz.


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