Spiritual Straightening of the anatomical spine and correction of length discrepancy.

Spiritual Straightening of the spine is for Lutz and Bettina Meyer –out of deep conviction and of personal experience- the real beginning of a more comprehensive healing on all levels. It is for both totally irrelevant whether a patient has been labelled as “untreatable” by conventional medicine, as well as where exactly the pain has manifested itself.

SWR post: Spiritual Straightening

The range of symptoms that patients bring to the Straightening is huge. Many people come because of chronic and acute pain in the back, others with psychosomatic problems, anxiety, chronic pain syndrome, allergies, metabolic diseases, degenerative and age-related ailments, and many others.

Spiritual Straightening enables a form of energy transmission during which a complete re-programming takes place.

Our patients already notice some changes whilst on the treatment bed, most will notice it immediately after the Straightening. They can feel it, they can see it!

During the Spiritual Straightening, the spine undergoes a removal of all the blocking and inhibiting patterns, whilst the pelvic tilt  and the leg length discrepancy are both simultaneously corrected.

The recipient of the treatment experiences a particularly deep embedding of his/her strengths in the heart centre and notices the intensive force of the divine order.

Everyone has a different experience because every human being feels its own special vibration frequency, which is effective at a personal individual frequency and promotes the Straightening.

Spiritual Straightening requires no repetition! The immediate onset of the healing is the mental change happening in the spirit of the individual.

Spiritual Straightening is a healing method which unites the male and female energies of God. Lutz Meyer and Bettina Josten combine both aspects during their healing work.

“A gift of love and light.”

[ Quote by Alexander Toskar ]



Spiritual Straightening – the day

On the healing days we manage to bring back the balance of all the mental, emotional and psychic problems thanks to Spiritual Straightening. This provides us with a supplement of

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Complementary energetic treatment

You can achieve in only a matter of seconds a spiritual correction of your pelvic obliquity and adjustment of your leg length, as well as shoulder and spinal column straightening. The corrections will

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Follow-up Treatment

What we mean by follow-up is a second session, independent of the divine straightening and at a later date in case it is deemed necessary depending on each case. The follow-up treatment can be 

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Remote Treatment

Everything on this planet is vibration and energy, including us humans, as we are made of vibration and energy information. Everything is connected and it is therefore possible to

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Healing of Animals

We tend to have a very close relationship with our pets and they become part of our families as well as part of our problems, illnesses and other stressful events in …

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