with the spiritual healers Lutz and Bettina Meyer

On the healing days we manage to bring back the balance of all the mental, emotional and psychic problems thanks to Spiritual Straightening. This provides us with a supplement of power to promote our self-healing and regeneration.

We know now that all physical diseases and processes have an origin on the spiritual level and that emotional, psychological and mental problems are responsible for diseases on a physical level.

Most diseases, especially the chronic forms of disease, are treated with drugs that cure the symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of the malfunction. Spiritual Straightening acts directly on these causes on a spiritual level, which in turn has an effect on the whole person by healing the spirit.


Healing days begin with an introduction to divine straightening. This presentation is aimed at those seeking help and we are more than glad to inform all those accompanying, if they so wish. We like to explain the chain of causes that leads to diseases and how they can be healed through Spiritual Straightening. In this way, we prepare our patients for their treatment which they will subsequently enjoy individually.

The process of straightening the spinal column is done

  • completely without any contact
  • without any manipulation of the body or skeleton
  • in seconds

As a holistic treatment of the person, the straightening of the spine doesn’t only treat each of the symptoms, but solves the responsible causes found in the mind, the brain and in the organs, so that when the cause of the  symptoms  disappears we manage to erase the symptoms themselves.


The  outward signs of the spine, the pelvis and the shoulder blades, are a reflection of the immediate inner changes; this is prove of  the perfect connection between  body, mind and soul.


By transmitting the power of the Universal Spirit, which is achieved through the spine straightening, we have an act of all-encompassing help coming from the highest level.

“The moment the Spiritual Healing takes place, is a moment in which one is able to feel the divine action in itself”.


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