Version 2
Version 2


Avatara - Geistige Heilmethoden
“Avatara basically works with holistic healing methods that seek the restoration of the unity and integrity of the body,
mind and soul”.

Avatara offers a whole range of spiritual and energy healing methods that make it possible to help and even find a solution for different topics,
contents, problems and pathologies.

Our goal is above all to help those people who, having been through the grid of “modern” medicine, have failed to receive the help they wanted and expected.
Especially the group of people with chronic pain and also those with
chronic mental health issues belong to our clientele at Avatara-Healing.
In our time of pollution with environmental toxins, chemicals,
synthetically manufactured pharmaceuticals and other forms of impact Spiritual Healing offers an approach that can be seen on an equal footing with conventional medicine and naturopathy, but is free from the undesirable side effects of modern pharmacology.

Amongst others we offer:

  • Spiritual healing techniques from different parts of the world.
    Extraction, soul retrieval, work with power animals, healing the energies of the ancestors, work and healing with the power of the four elements and much more.
  • „Enderezamiente divino“ – the spiritual straightening of the path of life
    Spiritual spinal straightening
  • Reiki
  • Spiritual healings like
    spiritual alchemy, crystal healing, etc.
  • DI (Divine Intervention)
  • Shamanic counceling

  • The respective use of the different forms of spiritual healing
    depends on the individual needs of our clients, whom we advise and inform accordingly at the beginning in order to be able to offer the best possible approach individually.

    Avatara - Geistige Heilmethoden

    In his work, Avatara takes the approach of opening people’s path to their full potential:

    “May all human beings recognize themselves and become
    who they really are”